Re: ☼ ♥ A Noteworthy and Plush-tastic Story of My Life ♥ : The Adventures of ♦ Kat and the Webkinz ♦ ☼ <Entertaining WI Members in a 3-in-1 Thread, One Meow at a Time> Contains 18,000+ Pictures and 1,000+ Updates with More Coming!
...and We are Continuing!
Part 180 “Oh, wow, um, that...stinks...” Magnus tried to lie, but luckily Riley was too stressed to see that his sympathy was fake. “But just chill at home! Why do you even need to go on this tropical island vacation anyway?” “Because it would stink more than anything if this vacation didn’t go through! We’ve been planning this for months doing a lot of extra work by surveying people about Christmas stuff online for Santa to get extra money because we already spent all of our yearly sleigh-pulling income.” Riley was nearly in full-out rage mode. She’ll thank me later, Magnus thought to himself with confidence. She’s gonna love her little holiday with me. Shona stopped Zutara who was walking by. “Oh, Zuzu, dear, have you seen my Blazie?” “No ma’am. I haven’t seen him around in a while,” Zutara replied, weirded out that she called him ‘Zuzu.’ “I’m sorry.” “Ohhh!” Shona whined anxiously. “Blazie!” she called out louder. “Blazie Blazie!” Then she stopped Chloe. “Oh, Chloe, have you seen little Blazie?” “No. I can barely keep track of my own kids,” Chloe responded in a sarcastic tone. “I thought you didn’t have any kids?” Shona questioned. “Exactly.” "I know Cupid and Shane are off playing board games with Chris and Amelia, but what about our little Blazie? How has he been?” “I DON’T KNOW BECAUSE I CAN’T FIND HIM!” Shona screamed. “You know Blazie, Honey Bunny! He’s landed himself at Xenas in the past! He could be anywhere in the galaxy by now! I just don’t want something to happen to our baby!” "! No no no NO!" Kaylynn yelled with desperation over the phone. "Are you sure?" She listened to the reply. "Are you serious? How is this possible?" She let the person over the phone say something else. Then she sighed. "Oh, alright. Are you sure there are no more open spots? No?" She sighed again. "Alright. Thanks for trying." She hung up. "Well?" Riley requested to know anxiously. "What did they say?" (Tsk tsk I'm watching Jimmy Neutron in the background. I really needed a break from the bedroom.) "Our vacation records our definitely lost." "Are you serious?" Riley snapped. "And that's not all. Apparently, someone went on their website the other day, logged into our account and cancelled our trip." "Maybe they had a good reason?" Magnus suggested. "Maybe they heard that the vacation was no good so they wanted to protect you from it." Riley piped up. It suddenly hit her. "Why would they want to protect us from our own vacation?" she questioned extremely suspiciously. Magnus started to get nervous. "I-I don't know." "It was you, wasn't it?" Riley snapped. "You did this. You cancelled our vacation because you're SELFISH!" Magnus started sweating and stuttering. "N-no. I w-wouldn't—" Continued... |

☺ My name is Katie-Kat (usually called solely Katie or "Kat") and I've been playing with virtual pets for as long as I can remember. "Kat and the V-Pets" combines the hit blogs, "The Squid V5 Log" of TamaTalk and "Kat and the Webkinz" of Webkinz Insider. It documents my life as a Tamagotchi caregiver and Webkinz owner, with a new twist--pet progress, imagined stories, and many more blog posts about my virtual pets and other toy pals from childhood to now. ♥
Thursday, November 23, 2017
Part 180
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