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List of Updates

This is the list of updates, or the update order I want you to follow to get the most out of the story. However, I know some people might need to skip around, review some old updates, etc., so I'm making it easier and making a big list to all the completed, viewable updates on this blog!

#1. Start Here
#2. Welcome to "Kat and the V-Pets"
#3. "I'm Still Me - Part 1"
#4. "I'm Still Me - Part 2"
#5. "I'm Still Me - Part 3"
#6. Reflecting on "I'm Still Me" / Launching the Journey!
#7. The Squid V5 Log: Entry 1
#8. Reflecting on "The Squid V5 Log: Entry 1"
#9. March 20, 2018
#10. The Squid V5 Log: Entry 2
#11. Reflecting on "The Squid V5 Log: Entry 2"
#12. The Squid V5 Log: Entry 3
#13. Reflecting on "The Squid V5 Log: Entry 3"
#14. March 21, 2018
#15. March 22, 2018
#16. March 23, 2018
#17. The Squid V5 Log: Entry 4
#18. Reflecting on "The Squid V5 Log: Entry 4"
#19. The Squid V5 Log: Entry 5
#20. Reflecting on "The Squid V5 Log: Entry 5"
#21. March 26, 2016
#22. The Squid V5 Log: Entry 6
#23. The Squid V5 Log: Entry 7
#24. Reflecting on "The Squid V5 Log" Entries 6 and 7
#25. March 28, 2018
#26. The Squid V5 Log: Entry 8
#27. The Squid V5 Log: Entry 9
#28. The Squid V5 Log: Entry 10
#29. The Squid V5 Log: Entry 11
#30. Reviewing "The Squid V5 Log" Entries 8-11
#31. March 29, 2018
#32. The Squid V5 Log: Entry 12
#33. Reflecting on "The Squid V5 Log: Entry 12"
#34. The Squid V5 Log: Entry 13
#35. The Squid V5 Log: Entry 14
#36. The Squid V5 Log: Entry 15
#37. The Squid V5 Log: Entry 16
#38. The Squid V5 Log: Entry 17
#39. Reviewing "The Squid V5 Log" Entries 13-17

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