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Wednesday, January 10, 2018

11-20-2010 06:03 PM

Re: My Life is Webkinz (MLIW)

Looking through my 3 hampers, hanging hamper with cubbies (fangsts) and 2 piles that overflowed of Webkinz in the corner for my Poodle has taken soooooo much energy outta me that I'm honestly ready to throw up and take a nap. XD MLIW.
11-19-2010 11:43 PM

Re: My Life is Webkinz (MLIW)

Today my friend threw a ball at me and it hit my Siggy Bengal Tiger. I screamed at her about how terrible she was for giving my Crellie a booboo and proceeded to throw it back at her with sum force. :3 MLIW.

When my friend snatched Crellie and started running off with her I chased her around my house screaming "GIMME BACK CRELLIE!" like a maniac. MLIW.

Today I told my friend some of the interesting stories/personalities by my Webkinz. MLIW.

Today I explained to another friend about Jimmy, my Webkinz Opossum. One day I walked outside and saw a Opossum walking around. I posted a picture of it on Facebook and the other friend named it Jimmy. I proceeded to buy a Webkinz Opossum named Jimmy a while after it was released. Then I got a Springer Spaniel with it for 50% off and named it after the other friend's old dog. The other friend proceeded to pick up Gizmo (full name = Plankton Gizmo) the Springer Spaniel and had it make noises her dog used to make. MLIW.

"Daily KinzCare...WW...Wow...J.Fields...what? Oh. Webkinz!" my friend asked me. "Oh, I said, "the post-it note stuck to my desk. Yeah that's the list of my daily activities on Webkinz World." MLIW.

Me and my friend on WI (happygirl15) have two Webkinz. My Webkinz has a crush on her Webkinz and one day in the distant future they shall get married. Today she took this Webkinz and had it pretend to be in love with another Webkinz of mine. I started screaming at her and proceeded to show her pictures of the Webkinz he likes. XD MLIW.

Tomorrow my friend wants to go see Harry Potter 7 Part 1. She started talking about how she wanted to go to the midnight showing and I told her about a bunch of you guys and your little Hedwigs. :3 MLIW(I and MLIMLIW).

Today I realized that my friends know a good amount about some WI friends of mine. XD (You guys know who you are. :3) MLIW(I).
11-17-2010 05:19 PM

Re: My Life is Webkinz (MLIW)

Today I felt like tiptoeing into my mom's room while she was sleeping and throwing Webkinz at her. Why? I have no clue. I'm surprised she wasn't mad. XD MLIW.
11-15-2010 05:31 PM

Re: My Life is Webkinz (MLIW)

The other day I was looking at my old Vmigo toy (virtual dog game). On one of my pods I own a Golden Retriever named Kimble, a German Shepard named Jerry, and a Yorkshire Terrier named Yarnball. I thought "I should get all of these guys in Webkinz form! But I have to get a Signature Yorkie. Wait a minute, I can get all these guys in signature form! But wait, the German Shepard and Golden Retriever Webkinz are impossible to find." This will drive me insane for the next 6 months. MLIW.
11-14-2010 05:19 PM

Re: My Life is Webkinz (MLIW)


Originally Posted by CalleyCo (Post 21307428)
Last night I walked up to my mom. "Mem, come here!"
"What is it?"
"Come here and I'll show you!"
My mom walked into my room, and I showed her the Cherry Soda Pup on Amazon.
"Mem, I really need this."
"Leah, Christmas is right around the corner."
I looked around the corner and said, "Where is it?"
She sighed. "The other corner."
I peeked around the next corner. "Nope, still not there!"
"Why do you even need it?"
"Because it's a Webkinz."
"But you have 220 others."
"Nuh-uh! I have 225 others! And besides, they lowered the price on it! Earlier today it was $9.05, and now it's only $9.00! Please?"
"I'm going to bed."
Tears started to form in my eyes. MLIW

Ahhhhh. XD But $9.00 is a great deal. :) It would be $15 in stores!

Today I've decided that I might hang around my dad until December to see if I can get some Kinz Klips outta him. As in, the $1 Toucan, $10 Pug, and $20 Chihuahua I'm dying for. XD Wish me luck! MLIW.
11-13-2010 10:56 PM

Re: My Life is Webkinz (MLIW)

"Hey, *Friend*, can we stop at one store for a second?"
"Sure. What?"
"Lemme take a wild guess why..."

Today I dragged my friend around the mall for an hour looking for the Jack Russel Webkinz. Fail. XP I'll get you someday, King Friday! Maybe Thursday I can con my mom into taking me to the mall out of town? MLIW.

Today I took a train. The best part was on the way home because no one was on it so my Webkinz could have her own seat. I took pictures. :3 MLIW.

Today at my grandma's house her dog (who's known for biting people so bad they need stitches) started sniffing my bag (full of candy). I didn't care if he killed me. He would NOT be touching my Shona! (Webkinz Beagle which was in my bag.) I started growing at him to step away from it. :P MLIW.
11-12-2010 10:36 PM

Re: My Life is Webkinz (MLIW)

I just noticed that I am the top poster of this thread at the moment.
MLIW? I think so. XDDDD
11-12-2010 09:51 PM

Re: My Life is Webkinz (MLIW)

I just went to the grocery store with my mom. Why? I was originally gonna stay home and finish the last Mazin' Hamster maze I need before my trophy. Then I think my dad stepped on something so he accidentally turned off the internet. Hence, WW crashed. So I decided to go to the grocery store with mom. XP MLIW.
11-12-2010 04:09 PM

Re: My Life is Webkinz (MLIW)

Today I made a Facebook status (on my main account with all the annoying people of real-life :P) about "stew putt" people. I wonder if anyone will get it. XD MLIW.
11-11-2010 11:52 PM

Re: My Life is Webkinz (MLIW)
In a YouTube video I watched last night, there was this guy who made these other two guys do favors for him so they could get something.
Guy: Can you guys rescue my cat from this tree?
Guys: That's a STUFFED ANIMAL! (It was a Webkinz Black and White Cat!)
Guy: Do you want your thing or not?
I'd be the exact same way if my Webbie was stuck up in a tree. :D MLIW.
11-11-2010 09:41 PM

Re: My Life is Webkinz (MLIW)

I want to live inside Webkinz World. Be able to walk around my house physically, go walk around in the Kinzville Park, go talk to Webkinz characters. My Webkinz coming to life and tackling me.

That would be the life. :) MLIW.
11-11-2010 07:10 PM

Re: My Life is Webkinz (MLIW)

Last night I had a terrible dream that my mom made me put ALL my Webkinz in storage in the shed outside and I wasn't allowed to play with them anymore. And that I would have to give them away in a while. You have no idea how relieved I was when I woke up. 8) MLIW.
11-08-2010 09:32 PM

Re: My Life is Webkinz (MLIW)

I let my room get messy over the weekend and in the corner there's a pile of blankets and Webkinz. My dog decided to curl up on that. She has this "leaking" problem where liquid sometimes leaks out of her bottom when she lies down. So I said, "Madison, if you want to relax there, that's okay. But if I find Mandy the Squirrel wet, I'm gonna pour water on you so you know how she feels." Hopefully she gets the message. XP MLIW.
11-08-2010 05:24 PM

Re: My Life is Webkinz (MLIW)


Originally Posted by Neoluver1 (Post 21264280)
In Spanish today we were learning weather. "Fresco" Is chilly. I couldn't help but think of the hammy and I was distracted the whole period. MLIW

I think it's more of the spring-ish weather. The hammy is kinda spring-ish, isn't it?

Today in Spanish my teacher started playing with a doll to show how to do certain things and such. I started fantasizing about her pulling out a Webkinz. XD MLIW.
11-08-2010 04:19 PM

Re: My Life is Webkinz (MLIW)

I'm doing my celebration dance. I have enough money for a present for my mom AND a JACK RUSSEL! <3 He shall be named King Friday after King Friday of the Neighborhood of Make Believe. MLIW.

This Christmas...the only thing I shall ask from my dad is 3 Kinz Klips. A $1 Toucan, $10 Pug, and $20 Chihuahua. I need nothing else. :smitten: MLIW.
11-08-2010 11:51 AM

Re: My Life is Webkinz (MLIW)


Originally Posted by Blackie_Lab2003 (Post 21261778)
:bow: I love you. I will go send the links to my dad. And I'm gonna tell him they're normally $7 a piece so he can't be all "Oh it's too expensive!"

Today I planned to start on an essay due soon. I spent the whole day on WI. Oh well. :P MLIW.

LOL! xD I saw the Small Siggy Tabby for $7!! I was shocked. MLIW

11-07-2010 11:50 PM

Re: My Life is Webkinz (MLIW)


Originally Posted by zappity (Post 21261071)
Yes, yes, indeed they are! xD There's also Siggies for $15 and Small Siggies for $7!!! O_O

:bow: I love you. I will go send the links to my dad. And I'm gonna tell him they're normally $7 a piece so he can't be all "Oh it's too expensive!"

Today I planned to start on an essay due soon. I spent the whole day on WI. Oh well. :P MLIW.
11-07-2010 06:37 PM

Re: My Life is Webkinz (MLIW)


Originally Posted by zappity (Post 21259295)
I'm on Amazon and they have some KinzKlips for like, $2.00!! I'm totally freaking out emailing my mom fifty million reasons why I want them and links to each xD MLIW

*spits out coffee* Are the Pug, Chihuahua, and Toucan included? If so I'm having them be my Christmas pressies. :D

11-07-2010 03:30 PM

Re: My Life is Webkinz (MLIW)


Originally Posted by carmentacmc (Post 21256993)
OMG. All this talk of Kinz Tunes has given me a brilliant idea.
My home-schooling group gets its own rollerskating day on the first Friday of each month, excluding June, July, and August. Well, the deejay at the skating place has no idea what rollerskating music sounds like. There's a couple of rap songs on the soundtrack, followed by seven different slow songs that are generally used to help babies nap. So, my idea: Do you think that if I could find an instrumental version of Tiger, Tiger, Go Go Go Googles, and/or Hug A Pug, that they would add it to the soundtrack? MLIW

Recently, all of the dreams I have had that I couldn't tell were real or not involved Webkinz. For example, last night I dreamed that I had found a Lil'Kinz Cheeky Dog. Why one of those would exist is beyond me, but it was so adorable. MLIW

Last night I had a dream that I was trading in all these special ticket points. 5 got me a pack of Webkinz Trading Cards. I was on my second one and I found a FREE (Regular) PANDA CODE. I was so excited and couldn't wait to tell my WI friends. I was devastated when I woke up. XD MLIW.
11-06-2010 09:29 PM

Re: My Life is Webkinz (MLIW)


Originally Posted by Pupsaresocute (Post 21252499)
The new sweater in the wshop looks like one I own. I'm so happy :clap: MLIW

Nice! I don't know if I posted this yet...

A while back my mom and grandma took me to Kohl's. I just wandered around looking for stuff that could possibly look like KinzStyle. When they took my brothers to the boys section I found a hoody that looked EXACTLY like the maroon hoody from the WShop that you could buy for your plushes that I had lying in my houses. Unfortunately my mom would never buy me guy clothes (which is RIDICULOUS). XP Ah well. Still have my Life is Good shirt that is the same color as this sock-made shirt on my Beagle. And my white shirt in the closet for if I ever find a white doll-sized shirt to make matching designs for. ::) MLIW.
11-06-2010 09:03 PM

Re: My Life is Webkinz (MLIW)


Originally Posted by labsrock (Post 21252062)

Webkinz is everything! :D

Indeed it is. :P Everyone says I need to get out into the real world and "get a real hobby." I'm like "go away and stop controlling meh."

So I have two Facebooks. One is for people from my school (main one) and one for WEBKINZ! :D I've gotten so into the Webkinz Facebook that I'm considering deleting my main one. XP And if I do delete it my friends say that they will no longer bother to keep in contact with me. :D MLIW.
11-06-2010 07:41 PM

Re: My Life is Webkinz (MLIW)


Originally Posted by kiki6500 (Post 21251225)
I have an awesome math teacher a few days ago when we all changed seats I got put by her desk and saw she had a webkinz spotted lepord sittting on her desk so this is me in math class

teacher: the rule for divisibility for dividing by......
me: stairs at webkinz*
teacher: remember to take notes
me: &*still stairs at webkinz*


XD That's like me.
My gym/health teacher has a Tie Dye Frog sitting on her desk so whenever I go into her office to talk to her I eve it. XD (MLIW)