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Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Part 143

08-13-2014 08:16 PM

Re: ☼ ♥ A Noteworthy and Plush-tastic Story of My Life ♥ : The Adventures of ♦ Kat and the Webkinz ♦ ☼ <Entertaining WI Members in a 3-in-1 Thread, One Meow at a Time> Contains 18,000+ Pictures and 1,000+ Updates with More Coming!

...and We are Continuing!
Part 143

Coby looked over at Hopkinz. "You lied to me!" he scolded.

"Excuse me? What's going on?" Arif inquired.
"How did he lie to you, Coby?" Taang questioned, confused.

"He said Kat always wanted to get a Groundhog, but she already has one: you!" Coby told Arif.
"Yeah," Arif replied, not following.
"But why did Kat get me?" Coby asked.
"Because Kat always wanted an Iguana," Arif answered.
"But I'm not an Iguana! I'm a Groundhog!" Coby said.
"Um, no," Arif said. "You look like an Iguana so you are an Iguana."

Coby then flipped over his tag. It said "Groundhog."
"But that's not what my tag says!"

"Um, well that's a problem," was all Arif could say. Then he asked, "Wait, what store did you come from?"
"The toy store in the mall," Coby answered.

"Oh! I came from there!" Taang said. "If you weren't in a glass case display like me your tags had to be kept elsewhere. I guess the storekeepers were clueless and put random tags on the Webkinz when reattaching them."

"Why do you have two empty cups of frosting?" Hopkinz asked.

"I'm saving you all from a sugar-high Kat," Chloe explained. "She'd so eat every last drop of icing she could find."

"Hey, I look like a Groundhog, right?" Coby asked Chloe.

"Ummmm," was all Chloe could reply.

"Tag mix-up at the store," Taang explained. "He got a Groundhog tag so he thinks he's a Groundhog."
"We're coming up with a plan to fix this," Arif said.

"Ah," Chloe said. "Well, I have a plan. First, you guys watch the frosting."

"I'm gonna go find Kat and we can sort this out with her. In the meantime, get him to a mirror."

"Yo, Cyclops!" Chloe greeted as she walked past her. "How's the eye?"
"Getting better," Cyclops said. "The vet said it was probably from an untreated ear infection."
"Ah, okay." Then she called out, "KAAAAAAAAT! I found your sanityyyyy! I know you've wanted it back for a few years and I have it over here!"

"See?" Hopkinz said. "You're an Iguana!"
"I don't know," Coby said. "I still feel like a Groundhog on the inside. Like I was born in the wrong fluff."

Arif joined them. "Don't worry, Coby. We'll get your right tag and hopefully you'll feel like an Iguana."

" you guys have any hamster friends?" Monroe asked.

"I don't like the idea of us being treated as objects," Herb said.

"You guys aren't being treated as objects," Monroe justified. "You're being treated as my team!"

"Your team of minions," Sugar said.


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