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Thursday, October 25, 2018

April 5, 2018

- Although this entry was created and occurred on April 5, 2018, I'm finally writing it in October 2018. -

April 5, 2018

April was quite a time for me. A couple of things happened this day that I wanted to record for this blog.

As stated in the last entry, Puzzle is a Coffretchi! And here she is standing with some eggs and a bunny...cause it was that time of year--Spring Celebration!

Here is an image of Puzzle helping me do some self-motivated studying. At that time of my life, I had goals to be a web designer. (like...a paid asap) I was studying web design from some books on my own time. I was applying for social media management paid internships. I was volunteering at my favorite LGBT+ center to work on their website whenever I could. (I have since lost a little interest in that goal since I got so busy with my current jobs. But, I am still fascinated by coding and I might practice some on this blog in the future!)

Since I've got a little bit of creativity in me, I drew Puzzle! Here's a picture of the drawing of her I made that day.

One last snapshot of Puzzle!!!

That wraps up all the major v-pet things that happened in my life on April 5!

See y'all next time!


Wednesday, October 24, 2018

April 4, 2018

- Yes, I realize this was posted October 2018 -
(I know, these entries are SOOOOO late. But this entry is the events of April 4, 2018.)

Oh my, I am SO late with these Webkinz and Tamagotchi updates. But I'm just gonna push through and tell what happens, to keep the new content flowing. I have SO MANY updates I need to post! But let's start with what I left off on. And if I have something creative to add...I'll add it!!

Let's start with Webkinz news!

Logging on, I found out that it was Koko's birthday.

This is Koko, my Lil' Gorilla! She will be this day's played-with pet.

I decided to open some of my unopened gift boxes.

I think this was my "Spring Celebration" box.

I'm pretty sure this was my April monthly Deluxe box.

These are some other Deluxe boxes from past months I've opened on April 4th.

Then I realized I never opened my Rockerz gifts from when I adopted Sharknado.

And I found a floating Magic W!

Tamagotchi update time!

So Mika had passed away of old age on this day. RIP Mika.

Puzzle morphed into an adult! A Coffretchi!

Well, that's all the events I had for April 4th. I'm gonna push through some more entries in the near future. So much cool stuff happened in my v-pet world of progression! (And I'm still working on the creative stuff behind the scenes.)

That's all for now? I'll talk to y'all soon! <3


Friday, October 5, 2018

Kat and the Webkinz: Update #12 "The Sleepover (Part 1)" (Post #18)

08-04-2008, 05:11 PM
Re: Come See Katie and Her Webkinz! Contains Real Life Pics! (UPDATED: 8/4!)

The Sleepover (Part 1)
Starring: Fluffy, Sophie, Salem, Sabrina and Olive

Hi, Guys!

Monday, October 1, 2018

October 1, 2018

Hey, everyone. I was inspired to do a basic update entry and talk about some stuff.

Sorry I haven't updated too much. I got busy again. You see, I have two jobs now. At one job, I work before and after school with elementary aged kids (so I can be inspired for what to write about and what kids should get out of a story). At another job, I work at a store as mostly a cashier (so I can get extra money plus a discount on possible props for the picture stories).

So, in a way, I am working on the thread. I just haven't gotten much published. (I even keep a clipboard with me and I write down KATVP ideas in my notebook at my school job.)

So here I am, blabbering words during a writing crave. Also, scrambling to figure out which entries I need to catch y'all up on. (I've done some virtual pet care such as a few Tamagotchi mini raisings, but only in July and August. I kinda slipped out of the care routine in September when I got my second job. Just haven't been up to it…)

I think I'll leave this entry on the blog first so I can tell y'all what's going on, but add it to the "timeline" later. (Because I know y'all just like to skip to what's most recently posted on the blog in general.)

Let me talk a little bit about my plans for this blog and how I'll be posting content.

I'm still doing the "timeline" on this blog! Where I post AAAAAALLLL the updates IN ORDER for you to read and follow as I review them.

BUT, I know that's going to take a LOOOOONG time to finish. So I've been popping up with some ideas to keep content regular and fresh and to keep it entertaining while I try to get through the old dry stuff.

Behind the scenes, I've been polishing up the old "Kat and the Webkinz" updates, starting with the ol' picture stories. So if you want to click around and find those stories and read them, I've been re-placing the pictures in and making them readable. (What a great time to catch up on the picture story storylines if you never read KATW back in the day!)

I'll also be posting new picture stories behind the scenes. Old "future updates" that I was going to post to KATW back when it was on Webkinz Insider, new sketches for the v-pets to act out, and more! Then I'll add them to the "timeline" when I've finished polishing and reviewing all the old updates and I make it to this point.

I figured this would be a good resolution--post new updates now, add to the timeline later. So those who want the new content can get it NOW (but the timeline is still going on for new readers to follow in the future!).

I just simply don't have time to put all the fun adventures of the virtual pets on hold, especially when I have to move out of my childhood home in like less than two years and half these "future KATW updates" take place in it. I want to tell the stories of my home before I have to move, plus I'd be too excited about them and want to post them asap.

Also…I just miss making the picture stories! The Webkinz and their stuffed animal friends had such great adventures. And now, Tamagotchis and other toys (such as a cast of Barbies) get to join the crew! Plus there's a cartoon side to it now. The possibilities are beyond endless!

So…you could either wait for the timeline to develop, watch new picture stories come out behind the scenes, or both!

There's just so much to do with this blog and I have so little time having two jobs. But I am working SO HARD to find a balance! I already think about this blog ALL THE TIME!!!!

I might actually re-start and re-do the timeline because I found some content older than "The Squid V5 Log", so numbers maybe a little wacko soon. But I'll post all the past, finish KATW's progress, then I'll loop back to the first few KATVP stories to symbolize the present. Then get onto the future!!!

Don't worry it'll all make sense when it's done! Please bear with my mess. The stories will be great, I promise!!!!!!



Monday, September 10, 2018

Monday, July 2, 2018

#33. Reflecting on "The Squid V5 Log: Entry 12"

(A little review on Entry 12 with some life advice-y storytime!!!)

#31. March 29, 2018

(A quick review on the events from March 29, 2018, as told in June 2018.)

- June 2018 -
(yeah I'm hecka late)

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

#25. March 28, 2018

(A couple of updates on the virtual pets from March 28!)

- 4/2/18 -
(yeah, I'm a few days late writing the updates...)

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

#21. March 26, 2018

(Time for a break from the archive reviews to go over what happened in my virtual pet world on March 26!)

#20. Reflecting on "The Squid V5 Log: Entry 5"

(Time for another TSVL reflection! This time, on Entry 5!)

Saturday, March 24, 2018

#16. March 23, 2018

(Still on the review break! I will review more old entries and such ASAP; just have been busy with work and such.)

- 3/24/2018 -
(even though the events took place on 3/23)

Friday, March 23, 2018

#15. March 22, 2018

(Still on that break!
Gotta update what happened in my virtual pet life yesterday (3/22).)

- 3/23/2018 -

Thursday, March 22, 2018

#14. March 21, 2018

Time for the events that happened on March 21, 2018!)

- 3/21/2018 -

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

#13. Reflecting on "The Squid V5 Log: Entry 3"

(In this update, Chloe and Nick discuss TSVL Entry 3 with me while thinking about memories of Toys R Us.)

- 3/21/2018 -

#11. Reflecting on "The Squid V5 Log: Entry 2"

(In this update, Nick, Chloe, and I have a small discussion around Entry 2 of The Squid V5 Log.)

- 03/21/2018 -

#9. March 20, 2018


It's time to share what happened in my world on March 20, 2018, at least in my world of Tamagotchi and Webkinz.

#8. Reflecting on "The Squid V5 Log: Entry 1"

(This is the update where Nick, Chloe, and I discuss the very first entry of my first Tamagotchi log.) 

- 3/20/2018 -


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

#6. Reflecting on "I'm Still Me" / Launching the Journey!

(This is the part where I discuss the events in the "I'm Still Me" three-part picture story with some commentary from Chloe, and the final introductory post before The Squid V5 Log review begins.)

- 3/20/2018 -

Saturday, March 17, 2018

#4. "I'm Still Me - Part 2"

(This part of the KATVP introductory picture stories explores the autistic Webkinz in the family--Kaylor, Shadow, and Old Man Jenkinz. All while Koko, Wombo, and Bella attempt to advance their band, Musical Chairs.)

#3. "I'm Still Me - Part 1"

(This introductory KATVP update explores gender identity within the Webkinz family--specifically, transgirl Paley and hermaphrodite Fadam Zalo.)

#2. Welcome to "Kat and the V-Pets"

(This is where I explain exactly what "Kat and the V-Pets" is before kicking off some introductory stories.)

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Entry 145

Posted 08 March 2008 - 04:41 PM ( #145 )
I just messed with the time and date and now the bonds are at 100%! Say bye to each other! It's hatching time!

Entry 144

Posted 08 March 2008 - 04:12 PM ( #144 )
I just played Golf Putt! Now I'm at 80%! I'm gonna send Cheese marrying today!

Entry 143

Posted 08 March 2008 - 04:08 PM ( #143 )
Well, I just trained the Sugars. I'm gonna play Golf putt now.

Entry 142

Posted 08 March 2008 - 04:03 PM ( #142 )

Well, Zanby got a fortune. So did Dratt.


:nazotchi: (Money) : ***
:lol: (Love) : *
:lol: (Body) : **


:lol: : *
:lol: : *
:lol: : *


Ok. It has been, hours. Well, time to play with the bond toys!

Entry 140

Posted 08 March 2008 - 02:34 PM ( #140 )
I was just on Webkinz, and they had a cool new wishing feature! I also spun the Wheel of Wishes for myself and my brothers. I got a wish token, and my brothers got a Mohawk Wig whatever and a Hockey Table. I also played the Quick Draw for all 3 of us. None of us won. Also, THEY HAVE THE LIL' KINZ BLACK LAB! I told my mom "Mom, I know what I want for my birthday!".

In news of my V4 and V4.5, they just got mail while I was in Webkinz World! Dratt the V4 got poop and needed 4 snacks and Zanby the V4.5 got a white heart!

In news of my V5, they are doing fine. :huh: I'll post any updates later. :(

Entry 139

Posted 08 March 2008 - 02:00 PM ( #139 )
Well, here's some information of some group hatchings I'll be in.

This one is for today. I'll hatch in a few hours.

This is my cute little "Easter Egg" hatching. It's for Easter.

In my little "Easter Egg" hatching, 5 people have aleady joined.

They are:

Me (Squidward is Cool)
tama 3445521508

The more eggs, the better!

Oh, I think I'll give this log a little more spice. I am going to post some adventures of my V4 and V4.5, my Webkinz, Petz, and when my brother joins on his B-Day with his new V5, I am going to ask if he can log with me!

Stick around!

Entry 138

Posted 08 March 2008 - 01:43 PM ( #138 )
Were back!

That was fun! Can I play with my pinball machine I got from the street market?

Knock yourself out! I also got a pic of Suki buying from the street market, it's in my photobucket album! Also, if you would like my more up-to-date Earth Expo code which is Suki's, here it is!:


Also, I have a tip for those who go to Earth Expo and some information.

The reason why Earth Expo was a lot different than the V4 TamaTown, is that I think they brought more codes back because they wanted to re-touch V3 and its TamaTown with all the codes and stuff because V3 was extremely popular.

Also, I tried to log into the V4 TamaTown using "Sugar" as the username and Suki's Earth Expo password to see if there was anything, like, extra or secret, but that DID NOT work.! :D

Also, be careful with code-entering for Expo and your V5. One bad click and you gotta start ALL OVER AGAIN.

Also, there's a new street market in town! I bought from it! I also noticed that when I exited out of it, they were both gone! But then I figured out for it's return, all you need to do is enter another building and exit. The little Ninjas are back and ready to sell!

Guess what time it is?

STATS CHECK! (Haven't done this in a while.)

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥
Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥
Bonds: 70%
Type: Blended Family
Generation: 4
Gotchi Points: 390


Suki: Onputchi (Daughter)
Cheese: Mumutchi (Son)
Jackie: Violettchi (Daughter)
Miley: Mamametchi (Mother)
Cody: Papapatchi (Father)

Ah yes! Now I can talk about that flashback.

I remember as a little kid, I remember those times on TamaTown in my home...yes...the spring feeling...good times....

Entry 137

Posted 08 March 2008 - 12:14 PM ( #137 )
Well, I gots more photos in my PhotoBucket Album!

And look what I got done!

Well, I decided to talk with the Sugars as a good-bye in few hours. :huh:

Well, I guess this is it. Time to go to Tama Planet.
Yep, time for you guys to retire in Squidville.
Does it have a decent population?
You guys will be joining 16 other Tamas.
What about Kiki? Does she count?
Well, Kiki does kinda live there, but she's usually at the TamaTown hospital most of the time these days. The Tama Disease was a little too powerful on her.
Well, it was fun hanging in the little Sugar Shell while it lasted. Thanks for choosing me, Miley and Katie.
You were the only choice.
You're welcome, dear.
Is it me, or has Katie not taken me to Earth Expo my entire life?
Oh my god! Want to go now?
Well, I promise to tell my kids to tell me about the new guys when they come to Squidville.
New Tamas?
Yeah. My little brother is getting a V5 on the 26th.
Alright. Enough talking. I wanna go to Earth Expo!
Ok. Hey, that reminds me when I had my V4 or V3 and-
Enough flashbacks! Tell the audience later!
We'll be back guys!

Entry 135

Posted 06 March 2008 - 04:29 PM ( #135 )
Well, the Sugars are fine and I will make pixels later on!

Entry 134

Posted 05 March 2008 - 03:17 PM ( #134 )
Today the Sugars are doing fine. They have bondings at 60%, blah blah blah...

Entry 133

Posted 04 March 2008 - 06:58 PM ( #133 )
Ok, this is too cute.

They morphed.

Suki: Onputchi
Cheese: Mumutchi
Jackie: Violetchi

Entry 132

Posted 04 March 2008 - 06:29 PM ( #132 )
The Sugars have 60% bonds now because they needed training a few times!

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Entry 130

Posted 03 March 2008 - 04:58 PM ( #130 )
Today the little Sugars are doing fine, and I am starting a group hatch.

I do have a few weekend tips.

We Got the Party With Us!

Don't just leave your Tama at home all alone! Get a lanyard and take it with you! You can play with them on the road, or hit Earth Expo on the computer! Just, don't take it with you to any classes. >.<

Haha! You Got Sleep Tricked!

Do you sleep in? No prob! About an hour or two after it goes to sleep, SWITCH THE TIME BACK TO 9 (PM)! You get some extra time to sleep without waking up to angry Tamas!

Lil' Tama Sitters

Got a little sibling that wakes early and might be able to take care of a Tama? Ask then to help out a little!

Well, that's I got for the moment.



Entry 129

Posted 02 March 2008 - 06:49 PM ( #129 )

They morphed!

Suki: Ichigotchi
Cheese: Bakutchi
Jackie: Shelltchi

They feel like old friends.


Sorry this post was so short but NAPOLEON DYNAMITE IS ON!

Entry 128

Posted 01 March 2008 - 09:10 PM ( #128 )
We're Not Alone...

I found out that my good friend, Tama Mama hatched on the 29th too! The Sugars were not alone!

Oh, and if anyone wants to hatch with me, here are my next two scheduled hatching dates:

March 9, 2008
Easter (Whenever that is in March)


I remember back in fourth grade, I was the last caught in the Tama Fad. Nick the Masktchi was born on St. Patrick's Day and left me the night before Easter. It was the middle of the night. I was checking out my basket, and I only saw that Maddy was there. I never saw Nick again...I shedded just a single tear. Or did I? Well, crazyness...crazyness...

Entry 127

Posted 01 March 2008 - 03:52 PM ( #127 )
Could It Be?

Could bonding have to do with the number of kids you get?

Generations 2 and 3, I had 1 kid. And they had low bonding before. (Like, 40-60 %)

But, with Miley, she had 100% bonding. And now look. She had 3 kids with Cody.

I guess the higher the bonds are, the more kids you get.

So do your best to hit 80-100 % if you want the Hoppity Hop Hop Hop!

Entry 125

Posted 29 February 2008 - 08:19 PM ( #125 )
Eh, I might rename Cody, Jason. I'll post any updates, and if I do officially rename him.

Entry 124

Posted 29 February 2008 - 05:16 PM ( #124 )

It's The Best Day Ever...

Best Day Ever!

Today has been an EXCELLENT DAY!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh man I wanted a Sukatchi to marry Miley, but I landed with some kind of fat Tama on the third try.

That's okay. You know why...

*clears through*

*says real fast* I brought Miley to the dating show and the first one was an Uhyotchi and the second one was a Hataugatchi and the third one was some kind of fat one I had to marry him so they got married and Miley turned into a Mametchi mama and the father turned into a Kutchipatchi daddy *talks at slower pace* and then the eggs appeared.

That's right! EGGS! As in THREE!


I jumped up and down and danced throughout the house. I had a good day at school, but that was the gold mine. That marked my best day ever.

The first one became a black blob with the little hair (girl), the second one was the same only as a boy, and the third one became a black blob with 4 legs and it was a girl.

I decided to name the daddy Cody.

Then, the babies morphed!

1. Tororotchi (Looks like an owl/wolf)
2. Mattaritchi (Zee was this)
3. Sakuramotchi (I think Miley was this)

So, yah. Oh! Names!

1st: Suki (Soo-key) (Name of Sokka's girlfriend from Avatar: TLA)
2nd: Cheese (LOL)
3rd: Jackie

Suki's with her pa talking to the fridge.

Still wanna group hatch with these kids and take place in the hatch of a lifetime?


Oh. COLOR CODE! (Mileys more mature. Finally. ^_^)

Me! (Squiddy/Katie)

Entry 123

Posted 28 February 2008 - 04:36 PM ( #123 )
Yay! Only 1 day until I start posting entries again and the big hatch!

Entry 122

Posted 26 February 2008 - 03:33 PM ( #122 )
I think I'll just post a little more info on my previous Tamas while we count down to the 29th...

V4: Glow-in-the-Dark
Tamas: Kiki, Mamby, Dratt

Mad Memories:

- Kiki was my first Tamagotchi to die. Don't remind me. (I miss you Kiki!)
- Mamby was named after Fanby. (Mametchi + Fanby = Mamby
- Dratt's name sounds ridiculous, right? Well, the purpose of his name is that when I mated Mamby with my buddy's Abby, she had a blob named Matt. I wanted his name to ryme, and, I was watching Drake and Josh. (Drake + Matt = Dratt) Make sense?
- I once brought my V4 to my friend's party where there was 4 other V4's, and one of the V4's beeping woke everyone in the room a 5 am! I was the one to react and make sure it was Ok. :(
- This was the FIRST Tama that I was FIRST to get! (V1: Friend, V2: Friend who had Abby, V3: Same as V1, V4: ME!)
- I have a log keeping track of my V4 and V4.5 right now. Quite cool. :P

That's all I got for now.

Entry 120

Posted 23 February 2008 - 03:06 PM ( #120 )

xhanachi~lover0 said
Your log is so good. I would never be able to write all of that! I'm checking it all the time!

Hanatchi Lover :ichigotchi:

Kiki: Hi, Katie. It's Kiki. Remember all that mail I got?

Me: KIKI?! AAAAAH!!! *Runs around screaming in terror*

Miley: You're supposed to be DEAD! You're not allowed to come back to Earth!

Kiki: You know I just passed out while developing an egg! I work at Tama Hospital! You're supposed to know!

Miley: Um, yeah. I'm not supposed to know that because I don't go to TamaTown. I go to Earth Expo. Also, DRATT!

Dratt: Yah?

Miley: Who's names are listed in your system?

Dratt: Let's see...

ABBY (My mom)

MAMBY (My dad)


Miley: HAH! Now get out of here. I think Katie just passed out.

Entry 119

Posted 23 February 2008 - 10:44 AM ( #119 )

Miley's just hanging. We might go out in the snow today!


Hunger: ♥♥♥♥
Happy: ♥♥♥♥
Bonds: 100%
Type: Blended Family
Generation: 3
Gotchi Points: 1040


Miley: Violettchi (Daughter)
Carly: Planetchi (Mother)
Ned: Papamametchi (Father)

Entry 118

Posted 22 February 2008 - 07:13 PM ( #118 )

Sorry I haven't been replying in a while.

I just got Miley on the toilet and she needed training a couple times today.

It has been snowing.


Hunger: ♥♥♥♥
Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥
Bonds: 100%
Type: Blended Family
Generation: 3
Gotchi Points: 1040


Miley: Violettchi (Daughter)
Carly: Planetchi (Mother)
Ned: Papamametchi (Father)

Entry 117

Posted 22 February 2008 - 12:06 PM ( #117 )
Miley's doing fine.

She was on vacation this morning because I was sleeping.


katiebug902 said
Hi! I love your log! And I was reading your profile, and my tamatown username is katie too!

Entry 115

Posted 21 February 2008 - 10:34 PM ( #115 )
Oh yeah. I went to Earth Expo today. I'll try to get on there daily in case of rare items.

I can't wait for the V5.5 and the interact with other players feature on Earth Expo.

Currently Miley's lovein' the trips to Earth Expo!

Entry 114

Posted 21 February 2008 - 10:08 PM ( #114 )

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥
Happy: ♥♥♥♥
Bonds: 100%
Type: Blended Family
Generation: 3
Gotchi Points: 640


Miley: Violettchi (Daughter)
Carly: Planetchi (Mother)
Ned: Papamametchi (Father)

Entry 113

Posted 21 February 2008 - 09:38 PM ( #113 )

~Wuffle~ said
All I have to say is "wow" B)
I love your V5 log. I want a V5 so much!  :D
I live in Ashland, Oregon but there is no mall in Ashland so I went to Medford to the mall there to look for them but I couldn't find any.  :angry:
I went to Target and found only 4.5s. I found lots that I could posibley order off the internet but it would be quicker to find one in a store-(you see, I am rather impatient when it comes to waiting for a tama to arrive. :P ) so we called Toys R Us at like 9:00 and they said they had three-they did not say which designs-I may just have to pick out of what I have...Oh well :(  but I asked my dad when we could go and he said Saturday/Sunday...I CAN'T WAIT.
So anyway--good luck at reaching generaton 12!  ;)

:wacko: [~Wuffle~] :wacko:

Entry 112

Posted 21 February 2008 - 08:21 PM ( #112 )
Ok. So I rip the plastic covering off a new phone screen, and since it was still good I cut it to fit my V5 screen! I put it on the screen and showed my mom the new screen protector, and she started wigging out because the screen was blurry, then she calmed down after I ripped it off.

I'll keep it around but I'll never use it again. :rolleyes:

Entry 110

Posted 21 February 2008 - 03:24 PM ( #110 )
Well, Miley was just cleaning up the "House-Egg," and the station is done, and my lil' bro wants a V5 for his b-day!

Entry 109

Posted 21 February 2008 - 10:58 AM ( #109 )
Holy Quack.

I've kept my TamaChat window open since yesterday night. O_o


Sorry about that confusion!

Also, I had a huge bubble incident last night.

My bubble bath was OVERFLOWING with bubbles! :P

I threw them in the sink, flushed them down the toilet, but none of that worked!

It took me a half hour to get the sink cleared out, get the toilet flushing properly again, and to sit in the tub and pop all them bubbles!


But my V5's doing fine today. :angry: My station just needs a little more drying!