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Thursday, December 28, 2017

11-05-2010 02:22 PM

Re: My Life is Webkinz (MLIW)


Originally Posted by labsrock (Post 21239751)
My cat knocked my nightmare off the top bunk! I grabbed my nightmare and started chasing my cat around the house yelling "I DON'T LIKE FALLING!" -Mliw


My dogs just sit on mine and use 'em as pillows. XD
11-04-2010 08:27 PM

Re: My Life is Webkinz (MLIW)

I have 2 projects due tomorrow. So why am I on WI and stalking my own Webkinz picture thread? XDD MLIW.
11-03-2010 02:58 PM

Re: My Life is Webkinz (MLIW)


Originally Posted by zappity (Post 21225323)
I MUST convince my mom to take me to Justice today..I don't care if I miss half of Dance class! I want those Cherry soda and Jelly Bean puppies!! NOW MLIW

I was never a big fan of dance. At one time my mommy bribed me to go if we could go to the mall after and get Webkinz. :D I didn't care if shoplifters and creepy peeps we're hangin' around. I love my Bat, White Terrier, and Dolphin. :D MLIW.
11-01-2010 02:23 PM

Re: My Life is Webkinz (MLIW)


Originally Posted by zappity (Post 21212110)
LOL that always happens to me too xD

"Hi, this is Justice how may I help you?!"
*Thinks SPAZZ* "Umm...Do you have the webkinz Jelly Bean Puppy or Cherry Soda Pup?"
"Are those the November Pets?"
"I don't think we do"
"Okay, please hold"
*Stupid music starts playing -_-*
"We have them in the back, but we aren't allowed to sell them until Nov. 1st"
"Can you get one out, just for me?"


So today I got my Webkinz math project back. 97! Why not 100? Apparently "Reindeer" isn't capitalized in real-life. Something learned today? Webkinz spells my words in life. :P MLIW.
10-31-2010 08:47 PM

Re: My Life is Webkinz (MLIW)

The second house we went to Trick-or-Treating commented how big my pillowcase was. "Wow! You're dedicated! She then grabbed the bottom and started poking it. You know what was only in there? My jacket and Black Cat Webkinz. :P MLIW.

One of the houses on our trip was giving away Silly Bandz. This year I want to give every Web of mine a prezzie and the best thing I could do was give everyone a SillyBand. To thank this woman for helping me get the rest of the Bandz I needed I said "Thank you" in one of my funny voices. She mimicked my tone with a "You're welcome." XD MLIW.
10-30-2010 09:35 AM

Re: My Life is Webkinz (MLIW)


Originally Posted by Pupsaresocute (Post 21198657)
I'm being a nerd for halloween. I decided I can take a cat webkinz because, nerds have like a jillion cats! xD and i wouldn't look stupid. MLIW

I'd say leopard, because the betta will be in there again, soon enough. :D

XP I'm gonna be Raggedy Ann and my witch-dressed Black Cat is coming with me anyway. Why? She's been begging me for years to take her trick-or-treating...
Yeah, MLIW.

Oh and even though I can't eat at McDonalds anymore (I'm a vegetarian and their menu is mostly meat products) I went there anyway last month to buy a thing of fries so it could be a costume for my Webkinz who usually dresses up as food. But why McDonalds fries? Fries are her favorite food...and she loves McDonalds fries especially. MLIW.

Entry 30

Posted 05 February 2008 - 02:46 PM ( #30 )
Ok. Before I get bored to death, I am now announcing that I am going to let Stu mate because I already have Pixels.

There is plenty of time between now, Valentine's Day, and the 29th so my THIRD generation can me tortured! Muhahahaha!

Right now I am going to hook up Stu. I'll be back to post baby updates!

Entry 29

Posted 04 February 2008 - 04:44 PM ( #29 )
OK. Today I am extremely bored so I'm letting my Tamas travel their hearts out today.

But, if you guys are that desperate fir more V5 information, here's some stuff.

madmaddie recently asked me what is the sleep trick.

The sleep trick is when you change your Tamagotchi Toy's time to your Tamagotchi's bed time. When you do this sleep trick, you are doing a safe way to take a break from your Tamagotchi for a few hours and yet it still keeps up on its growing process! I used to do this a lot on my V1 when I thought that the pause mode was unsafe for a few generations, and I have finished 10 generations on that!

Now I use it again and I'm doing GREAT!

Also, here are some Pixels!

Stuart as an Adult (Uhyotchi)
Selena as an Adult (Watatchi)
Zee as an Adult (Hatugatchi)

Anyone notice that I'm using ImageShack today?

I am so sick of TinyPic putting me RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE PHOTOS THE FEATURE. What drives me nuts is that MOST OF THEM ARE DISTURBING.

That's all I gots for now!

Entry 28

Posted 03 February 2008 - 06:08 PM ( #28 )
Well, this is quite funny.

I was reading someone's V5 log and they started talking about bonding. Then, I see that the Sugars need some training with music! AND NOW THEY'RE 40% BONDED!

Right now I am creating Pixels.

And if I can't make it to 100% bonds this generation, there's always next generation!

I'll get 100% by 4th generation. That's my new goal. :)

Back to those pixels!


Entry 27

Posted 03 February 2008 - 05:24 PM ( #27 )

I gots more mail!

From Kodou
I really love your log~ I can't wait till V5s come in Canada~

From tammy234p
Just to say that your log is the BEST log ever!
It has great info and pixels!
I really can't wait for my V5 to come!

tammy234 :-)

:gozarutchi:  :)

And I appologize that my Inbox was full earlier.

Now I am going to try to make some Pixels! (And get on my computer which is better! ;) I hate my mom's computer!)

Entry 25

Posted 02 February 2008 - 10:12 PM ( #25 )
Well, I saw the Hannah Montana movie! It was basically a closeup of her in the concert in 3-D and some stuff from backstage. It was a good movie. The boys were busy traveling but Selena kept her digital eye out. :P

And, my friends are interested in V5's!

I kept my Tamas in the travel channel to get some extra time with them for you people's pixels! :D

That's pretty much it. If there's anything else I'll say.

Oh and YAY! 300 VIEWS!

Entry 24

Posted 02 February 2008 - 10:55 AM ( #24 )
Good morning everyone!

My Tamas were quite hungry for some grub this morning and the bad part is that I woke up late. :P

Well, they're good now and currently on a little trip! Now I use the Travel Channel since my Tamas have grown. I wanna get Pixels of them before it's time for one to get married and the others to go.

And, I'm seeing the Best of Both Worlds Concert MOVIE with my friends today! And next week I'm seeing it with my cousin!

I am going to bring the Sugars to try and hook my friends into the addiction!

Hopefully I can convince my friend to STOP SMASHING HER TAMAGOTCHIS! ;)

Anyone got any ideas? (Please PM them to me.)

Entry 23

Posted 01 February 2008 - 09:58 PM ( #23 )
New Comment, Pixels, and MORE!

Look what madmaddie123456 sent me!


Here's what I replied:
Thank you for the PM! I am very glad you like my log! I am glad that all my detail and active loggings and such are worth it!

And good luck with finding that V5!

Also, here's those pixels I promised!

Stuart as a Teen (Bakutchi)
Selena as a Teen (Ichigotchi)
Zee as a Teen (Mamekatchi)

As I said before, TamaTalk is welcome to use these pixels for any V5 charts and anyone is free to use them as long as I get the slightest pinch of credit. ;)

Plus, a poll where YOU GUYS get to decide what day Stuart gets married!

Here are some more cool V5 topics!
http://www.tamatalk....howtopic=133380 (For any q's about V5 marriages. ;) )

...and that's all I have to share for today! Good night!

Entry 22

Posted 01 February 2008 - 06:44 PM ( #22 )

OMG! 200 veiws! That is so awesome! I am soooo glad I started a log! Thanks for reading! (Along with the PMing.) It means a lot to me!

By the way, I'm entering more codes. This will take a while. Since it's over 100 codes, but it will be worth it!

Right now, I am going to make a poll about when I should make my Tama get married.

Entry 20

Posted 31 January 2008 - 04:06 PM ( #20 )

The Sugars needed training a few times and 30% bonds now! Yah!

Oh and my cradles ALMOST DONE! I just need super glue!

Entry 19

Posted 30 January 2008 - 06:43 PM ( #19 )
Well, sadly Zee doesn't appear in the Mame family even though he has MAME in his breed name. *Sigh.* Hopefully he becomes a Mametchi at least. :D

My Tamas are just hoppin' and I finished some cool stuff!

I got pixels done and made a family photo!

I'll post the later but right now I got to go and Stuart's having a conversation with the fridge again.


;) Squidward is Cool

Entry 18

Posted 30 January 2008 - 03:24 PM ( #18 )

Well, this morning, the Sugars turned into TEENS!

Stuart: Bakutchi (Looks like a bomb. :lol: )
Selena: Ichigotchi (You know! Looks like a strawberry!)
Zee: Mamekatchi (Looks like he's from the MAMETCHI FAMILY!)

Right now my Tama is wearing it's cheap skin (decoration stuff keep falling off the skin so that's why I call it cheap).


Look what Itchigotchi Piggy sent me! :D


Wow, aren't you lucky to get a V5!  I really want one, particularly the one with the musical notes on or the cookie dough.  I admire how you're a good citizen and you recycle ^^

By the way, I heard somewhere that the V5s don't have the pause they?

By the way, your blog is awesome!

Well, that's all I have to ask and say for now.  I bid thee farewell.

^_^ Itchigotchi Piggy :(

Here's what I had repiled for some answers and such. ^_^
They don't have the PAUSE function but if you hit the TV and go to the travel channel and go somewhere, it does act as the PAUSE function.

But I highly recommend using the sleep trick as that's what I do.

Thanks for PMing me. The Sugars and Fanby appreciate it! ^_^

Squidward is Cool

Well, I'll make some Pixels later and I'll post some pics in the TT Photo Album whatever.

Also, I finished my instruction holder! It's so cute and shiny! I'll grab some pics later!

Tamagotchi Forever,

:mimitchi: Squidward is Cool

#38. The Squid V5 Log: Entry 17

Posted 29 January 2008 - 09:24 PM ( #17 )

Welp, Stuart, Selena, and Zee fell asleep and...


This is great to me! And I'd like to thank all the TamaTalk peoples for being so nice to me!

I'll see you guys tomorrow and hopefully the Sugars will morph then.

:o Squidward is Cool

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

#36. The Squid V5 Log: Entry 15

Posted 29 January 2008 - 06:29 PM ( #15 )
E-Mail From Ban Dai!

Ban Dai finally replied to my e-mail about V5 shippings! Here's what they said:

We appreciate your interest in Tamagotchi Connection V5. We ship to the retailers' distribution centers and not directly to the store locations so we cannot pinpoint the item at a particular location. We are shipping the toys out now so we recommend checking with the major retailers such as Toys R Us, KB Toys, Kmart, Target and Wal-Mart, or their online sites for the availability.

Thank you,

Customer Service

Bandai America

Have fun searching! :D

Make sure you check Wal-Mart first! That's where I got my V5!

:D Squidward is Cool

#35. The Squid V5 Log: Entry 14

Posted 29 January 2008 - 06:15 PM ( #14 )
The Sugars just needed training again! They're bonding!

First I accidentally clicked on Connection and then the talk bubble went away, but I was still able to train them!

:rolleyes: Squidward is Cool

#34. The Squid V5 Log: Entry 13

#32. The Squid V5 Log: Entry 12

10-30-2010 09:22 AM

Re: My Life is Webkinz (MLIW)

Yesterday when I got 2 Wish Tokens on the Token Balloon Dartz I did my celebratory dance from a certain music video by Katy Perry about California. :3 MLIW.

Yesterday I decided to sneak outside and work on a Halloween picture story with my Webs while it was still light out. Unfortunately I couldn't use my famous Webkinz Elevator (a basket that lets Webkinz from my room to the backyard) because the target (aka a sled on top of a bush) is MIA. So I had to throw them all in a big black canvas bag outside. Unfortunately, my mom caught me sneaking out and she was teasing me for the rest of the night asking what I was doing. I distracted the question with "It's full of illegal stuff, Mom. I sell it to people." She still has no clue that I do all these picture stories. Although I'm kinda scared about her in the same room when she gets her glasses. XP MLIW.
10-28-2010 06:52 PM

Re: My Life is Webkinz (MLIW)


Originally Posted by tinybluesmiley (Post 21187574)
That happens to me all the time!! xD Not necessarily the same situation, but I do have way too many pictures of my Webkinz, and my mommy yells at me for it all the time. ::) MLIW!

Not as many as me though. XD I was constantly looking in back of me to see if my mom was looking.

Oh and a bit after I posted that I gave up and assaulted my mom with the camera. XD It was one of her "Kat, you need to learn how to type" moments. "You can't be a screenwriter and do that hunt-n-peck at the same time! It's not possible!"

Oh believe me, mom. It beyond is. XD

10-28-2010 05:41 PM

Re: My Life is Webkinz (MLIW)
I have been searching through my computer for the past flipping hour looking for pics of my mom. Why can't I find any? I HAVE WAY TOO MANY PICS OF MY WEBKINZ. Not saying this is bad. It just frustrates me because I have a project due about a loved one tomorrow. MLIW.
10-27-2010 07:37 PM

Re: My Life is Webkinz (MLIW)


Originally Posted by CalleyCo (Post 21181104)
I just found out about the 2011 Valentine's Day Webkinz, and I'm addicted. I'll get two, a boy and a girl. Their names will be Romeo and Juliet. They will be brother and sister (even though Romeo and Juliet were actually a couple), and I'm making their room right now. MLIW

Romeo and Juliet were a fail couple and was an overrated play. Just sayin'. :3


(Yeah, just ignore me. XD)

For the longest time I've planned to buy a Kinz Klip and make it a hermaphrodite. I think the Love Puppy Klip would be poifect for that. :D MLIW.
10-24-2010 09:28 PM

Re: My Life is Webkinz (MLIW)

Just finished up my math project about my Webkinz. I have never had so much fun doing a project! Maybe I'll get an A? I hope so because I've technically been working on it for 2 years (used old photos of my Webs). MLIW.
10-23-2010 08:31 PM

Re: My Life is Webkinz (MLIW)
I nearly just passed out in the middle of Toys R Us. Why? All their Webkinz overwhelm me. Also I got a Lil' Kinz and Mazin' Hamster pack! MLIW.
10-23-2010 06:11 PM

Re: My Life is Webkinz (MLIW)

Today I met the most epicest girl today who's main language is Danish (and is from Denmark). I looked up to see if they have Webkinz in that language.
They don't...and I'm bummed. :P WE COULD HAVE BEEN WEBKINZ BUDDIES! MLIW.
10-22-2010 10:51 PM

Re: My Life is Webkinz (MLIW)
I spent my hangout with my friends today talking about how amazing Webkinz was. :D
Friend: I haven't played Webkinz in 4 years!
Me: I haven't played in 2 hours! Gotta log on!

So turns out my time-to-sickness on Mazin' Hamster has been extended. The forums...THEY LOOK LIKE TUBES! Ah, I gotta go to bed. MLIW.
10-22-2010 03:12 PM

Re: My Life is Webkinz (MLIW)

You know in Justin Bieber's song "Love Me" he starts off with "It's JB"? Well my version goes "Yeah, it's TB" because I have a Yellow Lab named Tropical Banana...and you get the picture. So that version played in my head today when I saw "Tb" on the periodic table in school. MLIW.

Me: *says friend's name repeatedly and fastly like...* FriendFriendFriendFriendFriendFriendFriendFriend-
Friend: What? What is it?
Me: GuesswhatGuesswhatGuesswhatGuesswhatGuesswhatGuesswhatGuesswhatGuesswhat????
Friend: WHAT?
Me: *quickly pulls Mouse Kinz Klip out of pocket* MOUSIE! *quickly stuffs it back in pocket*
Friend: Whaaaat?
Me: *shows KK again* MOUSIE!
Friend: *snatches KK*
Me: NO!
*both of us run out of the school building like maniacs, me pawing at her to get my KK back*
Friend: Fine. *gives it back* *teasingly* Bringing a mouse to school...gosh, Kat.
Me: He's been in my pocket for the last week!
Friend: *gives weirded-out look*
Me: Promise you won't tell my mom?
10-21-2010 10:09 PM

Re: My Life is Webkinz (MLIW)
So it was about 10:45 PM, and I was ready to go to bed. I was just gonna relax and study a bit for a quiz tomorrow. Then I remember, I FORGOT TO DO MY DAILY KINZCARE! So I did that, and Wishing Well for some extra cash, went into My Room to check on my crops and see if I have any mail, and hey, I feel like browsing the eStore! MLIW.
10-20-2010 04:32 PM

Re: My Life is Webkinz (MLIW)

Almost all my friends know that I play. XD Ah, goodness. XD MLIW.
10-19-2010 07:20 PM

Re: My Life is Webkinz (MLIW)


Originally Posted by PeaceOut (Post 21128571)
I am completely torn. I have been saving my money to buy a t-shirt that I really wanted... with the shipping it will be about $22 (most expensive shirt I'd own, lol).... but I recently fell in love with the Sig. Labradoodle. I went on ebay and found one for the same price as the shirt. What should I do?!
Oooohhhh.... my sister needs to go to the mall this weekend... I wonder if justice still has one in stock... MLIW

Ooooh...tough choice. The only reason I'd do Labradoodle is because all the shirts I like are just $8 shirts from JCPenney that have SpongeBob on them. XD

Alright...I really need to get off of Webkinz-related sites and finish my homework. Hello, 1 AM. We've met for the 3rd time this week thanks to my Webs. :3 MLIW.
10-18-2010 02:23 PM

Re: My Life is Webkinz (MLIW)
Today I stuffed a Mazin' Hamster in my school pocket before I went to school. Then I got paranoid thinking it would be too noticeable (just scared that the school might think I have a phone in there and take the Hamster away for some reason) so I replaced it with my mouse Kinz Klip and started cuddling it with my hands and playing with it in my pocket during class. :P MLIW.
10-17-2010 05:12 PM

Re: My Life is Webkinz (MLIW)


Originally Posted by Mint Chip (Post 21116056)
My unles dog came over for the weekend while my uncle was at a different town! She got ahold of my red wolf :( Luckily i got my red wolf outta there! And started yelling at the dog: MY WEBKINZ! DONT TOUCH! GET AWAY FROM MY BABIES! MLIW

I'm afraid the same thing will happen when my mom lets her brother's dogs stay at the house while they're on vaycay. They're known for messing with stuffed animals. I may take pics of some Webs and all 4 dogs together (their 2 and my 2) but guess who's training herself to close the door? MLIW.

I just spent 10 minutes staring at Zum Klips dreaming about when I get my first one in a while. MLIW.
10-17-2010 12:17 PM

Re: My Life is Webkinz (MLIW)

I am currently walking around my house staggering and sick to my stomach. Why? I played Mazin' Hamsters too long. Gosh it's addicting. MLIW.
10-17-2010 09:47 AM

Re: My Life is Webkinz (MLIW)


Originally Posted by Pupsaresocute (Post 21111718)
Today my dog went into my room. (the door is usually closed) I heard the creak of my door open, knowing it wasn't my mom or dad, and started running up the stairs yelling "MY WEBKINZ! MY WEBKINZ! ARE YOU OKAY?!?!?!" And I had a serious talking to with my real dog. MLIW



Originally Posted by GemPhantom (Post 21111800)
Horray, I'm not alone on that XD
Everytime I get a new Webkinz, I hold them up to my cat and say "Say hello to ____, Meowth :3"

I have to have both my dogs sniff it so it can get acquaintanced with it. Last time I didn't, they attacked it because they thought it was a squirrel. My poor Lil' Black Bear! MLIW.